Key Takeaways
  • Zendesk Sell includes a wide range of functionalities, such as sales triggers, accurate forecasting, advanced analytics, custom dashboards, and many more.
  • Pros of Zendesk Sell include an intuitive & user-friendly interface, customization & flexibility, robust integration capabilities, and advanced reporting & analytics.
  • Alternative to Zendesk Sell are Salesmate, HubSpot CRM, Salesforce Sales Cloud, and many more.
  • Zendesk Sell has received average ratings of 4.3/5 on G2, 4.3/5 on Capterra, and 4.27/5 on Software Advice.

Are you searching for the perfect sales tool to skyrocket your business in the ever-evolving landscape of 2023 and beyond?  

Look no further! Our compelling Zendesk Sell review is your key to unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge that will empower you to make the best decision. 

The review will delve into the various aspects of Zendesk Sell, offering a comprehensive evaluation that will assist visitors in making an informed decision. 

It will cover essential aspects such as the user interface, customization options, integration capabilities, and reporting functionalities of Zendesk Sell.  

Visitors will learn about the tool’s ability to streamline sales processes, enhance team collaboration, and improve overall sales efficiency.  

The review will also explore the platform’s scalability, ensuring businesses can adapt and grow with the tool over time. 

Moreover, it includes the analysis of the pricing structure, highlighting the different plans and their corresponding features.  

Visitors will understand the value they can expect from each plan, enabling them to select the most suitable option for their specific requirements and budget. 

By the end of the review, visitors will understand Zendesk Sell’s capabilities and how it aligns with their sales needs.   

So, are you ready to harness the boundless potential of Zendesk Sell and chart a course toward unparalleled sales success in 2023 and beyond? Let’s embark on this exhilarating journey together! 

What is Zendesk Sell? 

Zendesk Sell Dashboard


Zendesk Sell is a powerful sales automation and CRM platform designed to help businesses streamline their sales processes, enhance productivity, and drive revenue growth.  

With a user-friendly interface, robust customization options, and seamless integration capabilities, Zendesk Sell empowers sales teams to efficiently manage leads, track deals, and nurture customer relationships.  

It offers advanced reporting functionalities, real-time data insights, and collaborative features that enable teams to work cohesively toward achieving sales goals.  

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Zendesk Sell provides the tools and flexibility to adapt and succeed in today’s competitive market. 

What is the tool built for? 

Zendesk Sell is a sales automation and CRM platform created to improve productivity, accelerate revenue growth, and optimize enterprise sales operations.   

To assist sales teams in successfully achieving their objectives, it offers capabilities for lead management, deal tracking, client relationship management, and sophisticated reporting. 

When did this tool start? 

Zendesk was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2007, and later they decided to launch their own sales CRM, Zendesk Sell, in 2018. 

How many users use this tool? 

Zendesk Sell has a significant user base, and according to Zendesk’s website, they have over 170,000 customers worldwide across various industries. 

Who owns the company? 

Zendesk originated in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was established by a trio of close companions: Morten Primdahl, Alexander Aghassipour, and Mikkel Svane. 

Who are the C-level executives of this company? 

The C-level executives of Zendesk Sell are Tom Eggemeier as, CEO of Zendesk and a member of the board; Ms. Shanti Ariker as, a General Counsel Corporate Secretary; Patrick Copeland, Chief Engineering Officer; Norman Gennaro, president of sales at Zendesk, John Geschke as chief of staff, Adrian McDermott as a Chief Technology Officer, Scott Morris as the Acting Chief Marketing Officer, Julie Swinney as the Chief Financial Officer, and many more. 

Where is the headquarters of this company? 

Zendesk’s headquarters, including Zendesk Sell, is in San Francisco, California, United States. 

Zendesk Sell features 

  • Email integration 
  • Sales engagement tools 
  • Power dialer 
  • Sales triggers 
  • Sequences 
  • Bulk outreach 
  • Centralized platform 
  • Complete customer view 
  • API Access 
  • Mobile app 
  • Accurate forecasting 
  • Pipeline analysis 
  • Advanced analytics 
  • Activity reporting 
  • Performance metrics 
  • Custom dashboards 

Top Zendesk Sell features in detail 

Following are the top 10 features of Zendesk Sell:

Email integration 

Email integration feature of Zendesk Sell


Zendesk Sell’s seamless email integration is a valuable feature that simplifies communication management for sales teams.  

By connecting their email accounts with the platform, users can centralize all their email correspondence within the CRM.  

This integration eliminates the need to switch between multiple applications, saving time and ensuring that essential interactions are not overlooked. 

With email integration, sales teams can effortlessly track and manage all their emails within Zendesk Sell. They can view and respond to emails, archive or categorize them, and associate them with specific contacts or deals.

This capability gives sales representatives a comprehensive view of their email history with prospects and customers, fostering better engagement and personalized communication.  

Furthermore, sales teams can collaborate more effectively by having all communication within the CRM.   

Team members can easily access and review email conversations about specific leads or deals, allowing for better coordination and alignment.   

It reduces the chances of miscommunication or duplication of efforts, enhancing overall team productivity.  

The email integration feature in Zendesk Sell acts as a powerful tool to streamline communication, ensuring that no critical emails or conversations slip through the cracks.  

By consolidating email management within the CRM, sales teams can maintain a centralized repository of customer communication, enabling them to stay organized, responsive, and attentive to customer needs. 

Sales engagement tools  

Sales engagement tools feature of Zendesk Sell


Zendesk Sell offers various sales engagement tools designed to enhance productivity and elevate customer interactions. One such tool is the provision of email templates, which enables sales teams to save time and maintain consistency in their communication.  

These pre-designed email templates can be easily customized and personalized, allowing reps to quickly respond to prospects and customers with professional and impactful messages. 

In addition to email templates, Zendesk Sell provides call scripts that equip sales representatives with a structured framework for their phone conversations.  

These scripts serve as guides, ensuring that essential points are covered, objections are handled effectively, and information is communicated consistently.   

By utilizing call scripts, sales teams can deliver more polished and persuasive phone interactions, improving customer engagement and higher conversion rates. 

Moreover, Zendesk Sell’s task automation capabilities streamline sales workflows by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks.  

It allows sales teams to set up automated reminders, follow-ups, and other actions based on specific triggers or events.  

By automating these tasks, sales reps can focus their time and energy on high-value activities such as building relationships, closing deals, and providing exceptional customer service. 

Overall, these sales engagement tools offered by Zendesk Sell empower sales teams to boost their productivity, standardize their communication, and engage with prospects and customers more efficiently and consistently.  

By leveraging email templates, call scripts, and task automation; sales reps can optimize their interactions, drive better results, and deliver a superior customer experience. 

Power dialer 

Power dialer feature of Zendesk Sell


The power dialer feature in Zendesk Sell revolutionizes how sales representatives handle phone calls. By eliminating the tedious and time-consuming process of manually dialing phone numbers, the power dialer enables sales reps to connect with many prospects or customers efficiently.   

With a click, the power dialer automatically dials the following number on the list, streamlining the calling process.  

By automating this repetitive task, sales representatives can redirect their focus and energy toward what truly matters – building meaningful connections with prospects and customers.   

With more time and attention dedicated to each call, reps can engage in personalized conversations, actively listen to customer needs, and provide tailored solutions.  

It enhances the quality of customer interactions and increases the chances of converting leads into sales.  

Moreover, the power dialer feature ensures a steady flow of calls, minimizing downtime between conversations. It maximizes sales representatives’ productivity, allowing them to make the most out of their valuable calling hours.   

By leveraging the power dialer feature in Zendesk Sell, sales teams can optimize their calling efforts, boost efficiency, and drive sales results. 

Sales triggers 

 Sales triggers feature of Zendesk Sell


Sales triggers in Zendesk Sell allow users to automate actions based on specific events or criteria. By setting up triggers, businesses can ensure that their sales teams are notified and prompted to take action at critical moments.  

For instance, a trigger can be configured to automatically notify a salesperson when a lead reaches a certain engagement level, such as opening a specific number of emails or visiting key pages on a website.   

This notification prompts the salesperson to reach out to the lead at the right time, increasing the chances of converting them into customers.  

Similarly, triggers can be set to alert salespeople when a deal is approaching its close date. This timely reminder ensures that the salesperson can follow up with the prospect, address any remaining concerns, and facilitate the final stages of the sales process to secure the deal.  

By leveraging sales triggers, teams can proactively manage their pipeline and prevent important opportunities from slipping through the cracks. \  

These automated actions help streamline sales workflows, increase efficiency, and ensure sales representatives are focused on the right leads and deals at the right time, maximizing their chances of success. 


Sequences feature of Zendesk Sell


Sequences in Zendesk Sell are a powerful feature that enables sales teams to create and automate personalized sequences of actions or touchpoints for prospects or customers.   

With sequences, sales representatives can design a series of predetermined steps, such as emails, calls, and tasks, that are automatically executed at specific intervals or based on predefined triggers.  

This functionality offers immense value in nurturing leads and guiding them through the sales pipeline. Sales teams can design sequences tailored to specific customer segments or personas, ensuring each interaction is relevant and personalized.   

By automating these sequences, sales representatives can save time and maintain consistency in their outreach efforts.  

Sequences empower sales teams to strategically engage with prospects or customers at various sales process stages.   

For example, a sequence can be designed to send an introductory email, a phone call, and a personalized follow-up task.   

This systematic approach ensures that leads are remembered and addressed, increasing the likelihood of conversion.  

By leveraging sequences, sales teams can streamline workflows, optimize time management, and maintain a structured approach to lead nurturing.   

The automated nature of sequences frees up sales representatives to focus on building relationships and addressing the specific needs of prospects or customers.  

Overall, sequences in Zendesk Sell provide a scalable and efficient way to nurture leads, move them through the sales pipeline, and ultimately increase conversion rates.  

They empower sales teams to deliver personalized and targeted interactions, saving time, improving efficiency, and enhancing the overall customer experience. 

Mobile App 

Mobile App feature of Zendesk Sell


The mobile app offered by Zendesk Sell revolutionizes the way sales professionals interact with their CRM system. 

With this app, users can access and manage their CRM data anytime and anywhere, even on the go. 

The mobile app provides real-time updates, ensuring that sales professionals have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips.  

They can view and edit lead and deal details, update statuses, and track progress in real-time, eliminating the need to wait until they are back in the office to make important updates. 

Additionally, the mobile app streamlines lead and deal management, allowing sales professionals to quickly add new leads, update contact information, and assign tasks.  

This efficiency saves time and ensures that no opportunities are missed while away from the desk.  

Moreover, the mobile app facilitates seamless collaboration among team members, irrespective of their locations. Sales professionals can easily communicate and share information with colleagues, exchange notes, and sync with team activities.  

This real-time collaboration promotes teamwork and enables everyone to work towards shared sales goals. 

Overall, the Zendesk Sell mobile app empowers sales professionals with the flexibility and convenience to access and manage their CRM data on the go.  

It enhances productivity, ensures responsiveness, and fosters collaboration, ultimately driving sales success wherever they may be. 

API Access 

API Access feature of Zendesk Sell


Zendesk Sell’s API access feature allows businesses to integrate the CRM seamlessly with their existing applications and systems.   

By leveraging API access, businesses can establish a two-way connection between Zendesk Sell and other tools, allowing data synchronization and enhancing operational efficiency.  

Integrating Zendesk Sell with other applications and systems streamlines workflows by eliminating manual data entry and ensuring that information is automatically synced across platforms.   

This integration enables a seamless data flow, eliminating silos and improving collaboration between teams and departments.  

With API access, businesses can leverage the strengths of various tools and platforms they already use while harnessing the power of Zendesk Sell’s sales automation and CRM capabilities.   

It empowers businesses to leverage the data and functionalities of their preferred applications while centralizing customer and sales information within Zendesk Sell.  

By connecting Zendesk Sell with other systems, businesses can automate processes, eliminate duplicate data entry, and gain a holistic view of their sales and customer data.   

This integration enhances overall operational efficiency, saves time, reduces errors, and allows teams to focus on core sales activities rather than manual administrative tasks. 

Custom dashboards 

Custom dashboards feature of Zendesk Sell


The custom dashboard feature in Zendesk Sell is a powerful tool that empowers users to create personalized and visually appealing representations of their sales data and performance metrics.   

With this feature, sales teams can customize their dashboard to display the metrics most relevant to their business objectives.  

Sales teams can easily monitor their progress and track their performance over time by having a comprehensive view of key metrics such as revenue, conversion rates, and pipeline stages.   

Visual representations, such as graphs, charts, and tables, interpret complex data quickly and identify trends or patterns.  

With the custom dashboard, sales teams can quickly identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement.   

It allows them to make data-driven decisions by analyzing real-time metrics. Sales managers can gain valuable insights into team performance, identify top-performing sales reps, and allocate resources effectively based on the data presented on the dashboard.

The ability to personalize the dashboard ensures that users can focus on the metrics that matter most to them and their specific roles or responsibilities.   

Whether tracking revenue targets, monitoring lead conversion rates, or analyzing pipeline stages, the custom dashboard feature in Zendesk Sell provides a centralized and visually appealing platform for sales teams to gain valuable insights and take action to drive success. 

Accurate forecasting 

Accurate forecasting feature of Zendesk Sell


Zendesk Sell’s accurate forecasting feature is a powerful tool that uses historical data, current deal information, and real-time insights to generate reliable sales forecasts.   

By analyzing past sales performance, the tool identifies patterns and trends that can be used to predict future outcomes with greater accuracy.  

With these forecasts, sales managers and executives gain valuable insights into the expected revenue and sales pipeline.   

It enables them to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, goal setting, and sales strategies. By clearly understanding future sales projections, they can set realistic targets that align with the capabilities and resources of the sales team.

Moreover, accurate forecasting helps optimize sales processes and improve overall operational efficiency.   

Sales managers can identify potential bottlenecks or areas that require additional focus and take proactive measures to address them.   

It also facilitates better collaboration between sales teams and other departments, as accurate forecasts provide a shared understanding of the sales trajectory.  

By leveraging Zendesk Sell’s accurate forecasting feature, businesses can enhance their strategic planning, sales performance, and revenue growth.   

It empowers organizations to confidently navigate market dynamics and make data-driven decisions that drive success in the highly competitive sales landscape. 

Activity reporting 

Activity reporting feature of Zendesk Sell


Activity reporting in Zendesk Sell provides comprehensive analytics and metrics on the activities performed by the sales team.   

It tracks key actions such as call volumes, emails sent, meetings scheduled, and more. These reports go beyond primary data collection, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of individual sales representatives and the overall team.  

By analyzing activity reports, sales managers can gain a deep understanding of each team member’s performance, identify top performers, and pinpoint areas for improvement. This data-driven approach allows managers to recognize strengths and leverage them for the entire team’s benefit. 

It also highlights weaknesses or bottlenecks in the sales process, enabling targeted coaching and training interventions to address specific skill gaps. 

Furthermore, activity reports aid in sales strategy optimization. By tracking and analyzing the volume and success rates of different activities, managers can identify trends and patterns that contribute to overall sales performance.  

This information helps refine sales strategies, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions regarding goal setting, target markets, and lead generation initiatives. 

Pros & Cons of Zendesk Sell 

Pros of Zendesk Sell 

  1. Intuitive and user-friendly interface 

Zendesk Sell offers a sleek and intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate. The platform provides a clean layout, making it simple for users to access and manage their sales data without any steep learning curve.  

The intuitive design contributes to a smooth onboarding process for new users, ensuring quick adoption and increased productivity. 

  1. Customization and flexibility 

Zendesk Sell offers a high level of customization, allowing users to tailor the platform to their specific business needs. Users can create custom fields, workflows, and views, ensuring the CRM aligns with their unique sales processes.  

This flexibility enables businesses to adapt Zendesk Sell to their existing workflows, enhancing efficiency and providing a personalized experience. 

  1. Robust integration capabilities 

Zendesk Sell integrates seamlessly with various third-party applications and tools, enabling businesses to leverage their existing technology stack. 

It offers integrations with popular solutions such as G Suite, Microsoft Office 365, and Zapier, facilitating data synchronization and streamlining workflows. 

This level of integration empowers sales teams to work more efficiently and effectively by centralizing information and eliminating manual data entry. 

  1. Advanced reporting and analytics 

Zendesk Sell provides comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, offering valuable insights into sales performance, pipeline management, and revenue forecasting.  

Users can generate detailed reports and visualizations to monitor key metrics, track progress, and identify trends.  

This data-driven approach enables sales managers to make informed decisions, optimize sales strategies, and allocate resources effectively. 

Cons of Zendesk Sell 

  1. Pricing structure and cost 

Zendesk Sell’s pricing structure may be a potential drawback for some businesses. While it offers different plans to cater to various needs, the cost can be relatively high compared to other CRM solutions.  

Small businesses or startups with limited budgets may find it challenging to justify the investment, particularly if they require advanced features only available in higher-priced tiers. 

  1. Learning curve for advanced features 

While Zendesk Sell’s interface is user-friendly, mastering the advanced features and customization options may require time and training.   

The platform offers extensive capabilities, and users may need additional effort to leverage its potential fully.   

This learning curve could hinder immediate productivity for users new to CRM systems or those looking for a quick implementation process. 

  1. Limited email marketing functionality 

Although Zendesk Sell offers email integration, it needs robust marketing capabilities compared to dedicated email marketing platforms.   

Users seeking advanced email marketing automation features, A/B testing, or sophisticated email campaign management may find the options limited within Zendesk Sell.   

Businesses heavily reliant on email marketing may need to integrate with specialized email marketing tools to meet their specific requirements. 

  1. Limited customer support options 

While Zendesk Sell is part of the Zendesk suite of products, which is known for its customer support solutions, the support options for Zendesk Sell itself may be limited.   

Users may need help accessing immediate assistance or finding comprehensive documentation for specific features.   

Additional support channels like live chat or phone support may be limited for Zendesk Sell customers. 

Zendesk Sell pricing & plans 

Features Zendesk Sell Team Zendesk Sell Growth Zendesk Sell Professional 
Email Integration YES YES YES 
Sales Engagement Tools NO YES YES 
Power Dialer NO NO YES 
Sales Triggers YES YES YES 
Sequences NO YES YES 
Mobile App YES YES YES 
Custom Dashboards NO YES YES 
Accurate Forecasting NO YES YES 
Activity Reporting NO YES YES 

Customer reviews of Zendesk Sell 

  1. G2: 4.2/5 
  1. Capterra: 4.3/5 
  1. Software Advice: 4.27/5 

Positive review of Zendesk Sell 


Negative review of Zendesk Sell 


Top 4 things people like about this tool 

Easy-to-use solution 

One of the key aspects users appreciate about Zendesk Sell is its user-friendly interface and intuitive design.   

The platform offers a straightforward and easy-to-navigate system, allowing users to quickly adapt and utilize the CRM without extensive training or technical knowledge.   

This simplicity contributes to a smooth onboarding experience and ensures widespread adoption across sales teams. 

Integration with other applications 

Users highly regard Zendesk Sell’s robust integration capabilities. The platform integrates with various third-party applications, such as email clients, calendar systems, and productivity tools.   

This integration streamlines workflows, eliminates manual data entry, and centralizes information, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions and sales activities. 

Mobile friendly 

The mobile compatibility of Zendesk Sell is a standout feature appreciated by users. The platform offers a mobile app that enables sales representatives to access and manage customer data, update sales activities, and communicate on the go.   

This mobile accessibility empowers sales teams to stay productive and responsive, even when away from their desks or on client visits. 

Delightful user experience 

Users often praise Zendesk Sell for providing a delightful user experience. The platform’s clean and visually appealing interface and smooth navigation contribute to a positive overall user experience.   

The attention to design and user-centric approach creates an enjoyable environment for sales teams to work efficiently and effectively. 

Top 4 things people dislike about this tool 

Limited automation capabilities 

Some users feel that Zendesk Sell has limitations in terms of automation capabilities. While the platform offers basic automation features, users may need more advanced automation functionality.   

Businesses seeking extensive automation options may need to explore additional tools or integrations to fulfill their requirements. 

Lack of customization 

Users have expressed concerns about the limited customization options in Zendesk Sell. While the platform provides some customization, users may desire more flexibility to adapt the CRM to their unique sales processes and workflows.  

Creating custom fields, workflows, and views can be essential for businesses with specific requirements. 

Clunky software 

A few users have reported experiencing occasional performance issues or finding the software clunky.   

These concerns may arise when working with large datasets or during peak usage. Improvements in software optimization and responsiveness are areas that some users would like to see addressed. 

Lack of customer service 

A common complaint among some users is the perceived need for timely and responsive customer service from Zendesk Sell.   

Users need help to obtain prompt assistance or find comprehensive documentation for certain features. 

Enhanced customer support options, including quicker response times and more accessible support channels, would improve the user experience. 

Is Zendesk Sell right for a small business? 

Zendesk Sell can be suitable for small businesses seeking a sales automation and CRM solution.   

Its user-friendly interface, customization options, and advanced features offer valuable benefits to streamline sales processes and drive growth.   

Small businesses can leverage Zendesk Sell’s intuitive design to onboard their sales teams and optimize productivity quickly.  

The platform’s flexibility allows small businesses to customize workflows and adapt the CRM to their needs. It integrates seamlessly with other tools, enabling efficient data synchronization and streamlined workflows.  

Additionally, Zendesk Sell’s reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights for small businesses to track sales performance, make data-driven decisions, and enhance revenue forecasting. 

However, it is crucial to consider factors such as budget constraints and specific feature requirements. Small businesses should assess the pricing plans and ensure the available features align with their needs and growth aspirations.   

Considering these factors, Zendesk Sell can be a valuable tool for small businesses looking to boost sales efficiency, improve customer relationships, and drive revenue in 2023 and beyond. 

Is Zendesk Sell right for a mid-scale business? 

Zendesk Sell can be a viable option for mid-scale businesses looking to enhance their sales processes and improve customer relationship management.  

With its features and scalability, Zendesk Sell benefits mid-scale firms seeking to streamline their sales operations and drive growth.  

The platform’s user-friendly interface ensures a smooth onboarding experience for sales teams, allowing them to adapt quickly and maximize productivity.  

The customization options provided by Zendesk Sell enable mid-scale businesses to tailor the CRM to their specific needs, aligning it with their unique sales processes and workflows. 

Zendesk Sell’s robust integration capabilities are advantageous for mid-scale businesses that rely on multiple tools and systems.  

The platform integrates with various third-party applications, allowing data synchronization and streamlined workflows. This integration ensures a cohesive and efficient sales ecosystem.  

Furthermore, Zendesk Sell’s advanced reporting and analytics features provide mid-scale businesses valuable insights into sales performance, pipeline management, and revenue forecasting.  

These insights enable data-driven decision-making, strategic planning, and improved sales strategies to drive growth.  

However, mid-scale businesses should consider budget, scalability, and specific feature requirements when evaluating Zendesk Sell.   

Assessing the pricing plans to ensure they align with the business’s budget and growth aspirations is essential.   

Additionally, mid-scale businesses should evaluate the platform’s scalability to accommodate their future expansion. 

Is Zendesk Sell right for an enterprise? 

Zendesk Sell can be a compelling choice for enterprises seeking a robust and scalable sales automation and CRM solution.  

With its extensive features, customization options, and enterprise-grade capabilities, Zendesk Sell offers valuable benefits for large-scale businesses aiming to optimize their sales processes and drive revenue growth. 

The platform’s user-friendly interface ensures ease of use for sales teams across the enterprise, facilitating quick adoption and minimizing training time.  

The customization options provided by Zendesk Sell enable enterprises to tailor the CRM to their specific needs, aligning it with their complex sales processes and workflows. 

Zendesk Sell’s scalability is crucial for enterprises as it accommodates the organization’s growth and increasing sales demands.   

The platform can handle large volumes of data, support high user counts, and integrate with other enterprise systems, ensuring a seamless and efficient sales ecosystem. 

Additionally, Zendesk Sell’s advanced reporting and analytics features provide enterprises with comprehensive insights into sales performance, pipeline management, and revenue forecasting.  

These insights enable data-driven decision-making, strategic planning, and continuous sales process improvement. 

Furthermore, Zendesk Sell offers enterprise-level security and compliance features, ensuring data privacy and protection.  

With role-based access controls, data encryption, and audit trails, the platform meets the stringent security requirements of enterprise organizations. 

However, enterprises should consider factors such as scalability, integration capabilities, and support options when evaluating Zendesk Sell.  

It is essential to assess the platform’s ability to handle the organization’s size, growth trajectory, and integration needs.  

Enterprises may also require dedicated support channels, such as priority support or dedicated account management, to cater to their specific requirements. 

Considering these factors, Zendesk Sell can be a suitable tool for enterprises looking to streamline their sales operations, improve customer relationship management, and drive revenue growth in 2023 and beyond. 

The best alternatives of Zendesk Sell 


Salesmate is a comprehensive sales CRM software that offers an intuitive interface and robust features for managing sales pipelines, automating tasks, and tracking customer interactions.  

It provides advanced sales analytics and integrates with popular tools, enabling seamless workflow management and improved team collaboration. 

HubSpot CRM 

HubSpot CRM is a widely used CRM platform that offers a range of sales and marketing features. It provides a unified system for managing leads, automating sales processes, and tracking customer interactions.  

With built-in email tracking, deal management, and reporting capabilities, HubSpot Sales Hub helps streamline sales operations and drive revenue growth. 


Pipedrive is a popular CRM platform designed to optimize sales workflows and improve deal management. It offers visual pipeline management, activity tracking, and sales reporting tools.  

Pipedrive’s user-friendly interface and customizable features make it a favored choice for businesses seeking an intuitive sales CRM solution. 

Salesforce Sales Cloud 

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a robust CRM platform that caters to businesses of all sizes. It provides a wide range of sales automation, lead management, and forecasting features.  

Salesforce Sales Cloud offers extensive customization options, integration capabilities, and an ecosystem of third-party apps, making it suitable for enterprises with complex sales processes. 

Zoho CRM 

Zoho CRM is a feature-rich CRM software that offers comprehensive sales, marketing, and customer support functionalities. It provides lead management, pipeline tracking, and workflow automation tools.  

With a user-friendly interface, mobile app, and integration options, Zoho CRM is attractive for businesses looking for a scalable CRM solution. 

Frequently asked questions 

  1. How does Zendesk Sell handle data security and privacy? 

Zendesk Sell takes data security and privacy seriously. It employs industry-standard security measures to protect customer data, including encryption, access controls, and regular data backups. The platform complies with privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of customer information. 

  1. Can Zendesk Sell integrate with other tools and systems? 

Yes, Zendesk Sell offers robust integration capabilities. It integrates seamlessly with popular applications such as email clients, calendar systems, and productivity tools. It allows for data synchronization, streamlined workflows, and a holistic view of customer interactions across different platforms. 

  1. What support options are available for Zendesk Sell users? 

Zendesk Sell provides various support options for users. It includes access to online resources such as documentation, user guides, and video tutorials. Additionally, users can contact Zendesk’s support team through email or ticketing systems for assistance with technical issues, product inquiries, or account-related questions. 

  1. Does Zendesk Sell offer mobile apps for on-the-go access? 

Yes, Zendesk Sell offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. These apps enable sales representatives to access customer data, update sales activities, and communicate while on the move. The mobile apps ensure sales teams stay productive and responsive, even when away from their desks or engaging with clients onsite. 

  1. What are the available pricing plans for Zendesk Sell? 

Zendesk Sell offers different pricing plans to cater to various business needs. The specific details of the pricing plans, including features, limitations, and costs, may vary. It’s best to visit the Zendesk Sell website or contact their sales team directly to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on pricing plans and any available promotions or discounts.